1. To provide guidelines whereby the Public Lands and Public Facilities belonging to the Municipality of the District of Clare may be officially named by Council.
2. In this Policy:
a. “Public Lands” means lands which are owned or controlled in use by the Municipality of the District of Clare for the long-term benefit of the community, including but not limited to parks, sports fields, and trails.
b. “Public Facilities” means physical facilities (i.e., buildings, rooms, etc.) owned or controlled in use by the Municipality of the District of Clare for the long-term benefit of the community.
3. It is the policy of the Municipality of the District of Clare to consider naming proposals, seek citizen input and formally decide on proposed names or renaming of Municipality of the District of Clare Public Lands and Public Facilities within established criteria.
In its deliberations, the Municipality of the District of Clare shall consider gender parity and the inclusion of diverse communities.
4. The Municipality of the District of Clare’s Public Lands and Public Facilities may be named after persons, a place or location, or an event that has created an important legacy or achievement. A person’s name is eligible for consideration one year after their death, with special benefactors excepted. The following criteria may be used by Council in determining the appropriateness of the naming designation:
a. A noteworthy public figure or official;
b. A person, place or event of historical or cultural significance;
c. Special benefactor(s) (living or dead);
d. A person, group, place or feature, which can be particularly identified with the Public Lands or Public Facilities;
e. Exceptions to the naming criteria can be approved by Council if an occasion to recognize the outstanding contributions of a living person is determined.
f. The proposed name must be easily identifiable in both official languages.
5. Initiation of Proposed Name:
A request to name or rename municipally owned Public Lands or Public Facilities must be made in writing to the Chief Administrative Officer who shall bring it, along with a background report, to the Council-in-Committee for initial review and discussion.
6. Additional Public Input and Public Hearing:
Should Council determine that additional public input is needed, it may choose to solicit public comment by inviting citizens and interested persons to provide written comments.
7. Formal Council Decision:
a. Following receipt of public input, if determined by Council to be required, the item will be placed on the Council-in-Committee meeting agenda for discussion and direction. Council-in-Committee may, at this point, refer the proposed naming to Council again for consideration.
b. The naming decision shall be made by a motion of Council.
Chief Administrative Officer’s Annotation for Official Policy Book
Date of First Reading:
Date of Passage of Policy:
I certify that this Policy was adopted by Council as indicated above.
Yvon LeBlanc - May 19, 2022
Warden Date
Stephane Cyr - May 19, 2022
Chief Administrative Officer Date