Municipality of the District of Clare
Wednesday, May 20, 2020 at 7:00 pm
PRESENT: Council: Warden Ronnie LeBlanc; Deputy Warden Nil Doucet; Councillors, Hector Thibault, Carl Deveau, Danny Hill, Brian Comeau, Eric Pothier and Yvon LeBlanc
Staff: CAO Stéphane Cyr, Executive Assistant, Ashley Hanks, and Communications Officer, Amy Paradis
1) Call to Order
Warden Ronnie LeBlanc called the Council meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
2) (a) Approval of the Agenda
MOVED BY Councillor Danny Hill and SECONDED BY Councillor Hector Thibault that the proposed agenda be approved as presented
(b) Declaration of Conflict of Interest
None declared.
3) Presentations
4) Adoption of the Minutes from Previous Council Meetings
4.1 April 15, 2020 – Regular Council Meeting
MOVED BY Councillor Carl Deveau and SECONDED BY Councillor Danny Hill that the minutes of April 15, 2020 be accepted as circulated.
4.2 May 6, 2020 – Council-In-Committee Meeting
MOVED BY Councillor Brian Comeau and SECONDED BY Councillor Danny Hill that the minutes of May 6, 2020 be accepted as circulated.
5) Business Arising from Previous Meetings
5.1 Belliveau Cove Wharf Update
The Belliveau Cove Breakwater and Wharf suffered substantial damage last winter. Since the incident, the Municipality has been working with its insurance provider and B&G Lombard Ltd. to both assess the damage and determine to how best repair it. The Municipality has also reached out to DFO, DNR and Transport Canada regarding necessary permitting and to stress the urgency of the situation in an effort to move this file forward.
On May 14, 2020, the insurance provider confirmed it would be paying 100% of the damages suffered to the breakwater or northern wharf, with the exception of the harbour or interior side, as well as the damages to the southern wharf. These are quoted at $297,500 and $12,700 respectively, before HST. The cost to repair the damages to the lighthouse and replace the park benches, although not yet determined, will also be covered. The damage to the harbour side of the breakwater were determined to be a pre-existing condition and as such ise not covered. Nevertheless, it must be addressed so as to ensure the integrity of the structure. The cost of these repairs has been quoted at $96,625. In an effort to reduce the financial impact to the Municipality stemming from the repairs to the harbour side of the breakwater, the CAO is recommending the Municipality apply to the Nova Scotia Flood Risk Infrastructure Investment Program for $48,312 (50% of $96,625). In discussions with the Province, the CAO has already confirmed project eligibility however, as per the stated program criteria, a motion from Council in support of the application is required. Furthermore, given the urgency of the situation at hand and the limited timeframe to complete the necessary work, in addition to the work already completed to date with the insurance provider, the CAO is recommending Council award the contract to B&G Lombard Ltd. Doing so will expedite the procurement process and is allowable under the Municipality’s current procurement policy. Council passed the following two motions:
MOVED BY Councillor Brian Comeau and SECONDED BY Deputy Warden Nil Doucet that the Municipality of the District of Clare submit the Belliveau Cove Breakwater project proposal, in the amount of $96,625 plus HST, for funding consideration to the Nova Scotia Flood Risk Infrastructure Investment Program.
MOVED BY Councillor Carl Deveau and SECONDED BY Deputy Warden Nil Doucet that the Municipality of the District of Clare award the tender for the emergency repairs to the Belliveau Cove Breakwater and Wharf to B&G Lombard Ltd. in the amount of $406,825 plus HST and that these funds be taken from the Municipality’s capital reserve.
6) Warden’s Activity Report – Warden Ronnie LeBlanc
The Warden provided a summary of the meetings and events the he attended since the last Council meeting.
April 22 – Participated in a NSFM conference call with all Nova Scotia municipalities to discuss COVID-19 related initiatives.
April 23 – Participated in an interview with CIFA to discuss the 2020-2021 municipal budget.
April 28 – Participated in a NSFM conference call with all Nova Scotia municipalities to discuss COVID-19 related initiatives.
April 29 – Participated in a conference call with MLA Gordon Wilson and other stakeholders to discuss doctor recruitment in Digby County.
April 30 – Participated in a call with His Honour, Lieutenant Governor Arthur J. LeBlanc to discuss the impacts COVID-19 has had on the Municipality.
May 1 – Participated in a call with the NDP Party Leader, Garry Burrell, to discuss the impacts COVID-19 has had on the Municipality.
May 12 – Participated in a meeting of the Board of Directors for Université Sainte-Anne.
May 13 – Participated in a meeting of the Nomination Committee of the Board of Governors of Université Sainte-Anne.
7) Official Statements from Members of Council
8) Correspondance
8.1 La Guilde acadienne de Clare
The CAO read a letter from La Guilde acadienne de Clare (See attached).
8.2 The Honourable Gordon Wilson, Minister of Environment
The CAO read a letter from the Honourable Gordon Wilson, Minister of Environment. (See attached)
8.3 The Honourable Chuck Porter, Minister, Municipal Affairs and Housing
The CAO read a letter from the Honourable Chuck Porter, Minister, Municipal Affairs and Housing. (See attached)
8.4 Wayne Gaudet, President, Clare Health Centre Foundation
The CAO read a letter from Wayne Gaudet, President of the Clare Health Centre Foundation. (See attached)
8.5 The Honourable Zach Churchill, Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development
The CAO read a letter from the Honourable Zach Churchill, Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development. (See attached)
8.6 Dr. Harold Cook, Chair, Yarmouth Hospital Foundation
The CAO read a letter from Dr. Harold Cook, Chair of the Yarmouth Hospital Foundation. (See attached)
The Municipality has already budgeted a $5,000 contribution to the Yarmouth Hospital Foundation in its 2020-2021 operating budget. Furthermore, the Municipality usually purchases a table at the Foundation’s Spring Gala fundraiser, valued at $1,200. Although this year’s Gala is cancelled, Council agreed to continue its support of the Foundation and passed the following motion:
MOVED BY Councillor Brian Comeau and SECONDED BY Councillor Carl Deveau that the Municipality of the District of Clare fulfill its planned contribution to the annual Spring Gala and donate $1,200 to the Yarmouth Hospital Foundation.
9) CAO Report – Chief Administrative Officer - Stéphane Cyr
The CAO presented his report for the month of May 2020. (See attached)
10) Committee Reports
10.1 Building Permits Report – Councillor Danny Hill
Councillor Danny Hill read the building permit report for the month of April.
April 2020
Year Permits Construction Value Year to Date
2019 21 $ 722,980 $ 2,613,880
2020 3 $ 6,100 $ 1,590,460
11) New Business
11.1 Motion to Approve the 2020-2021 Volunteer Fire Department Capital Funding Expenditures
The total amount available to fire departments in fiscal 2020-21 for capital purchases (not including fire trucks) is $129,000. This amount is generated by the 5 cent area rate and represents the remainder of the amount collected, once all existing debt obligations relating to the fire service have been paid. Upon review of the 5-year capital plans submitted by the Municipality’s 7 volunteer fire departments, a total of $121,842 has been approved, with the remaining $7,158 available for unforeseen expenses.
This year’s requests focused almost exclusively on personal protective equipment (PPEs). Council agreed with the proposed purchases and the recommended funding levels as presented by the CAO. The following motion was made:
MOVED BY Councillor Danny Hill and SECONDED BY Councillor Carl Deveau that the Municipality of the District of Clare approve the 2020-2021 volunteer fire department capital funding expenditures as presented.
11.2 Motion to Award Tender – C&D Site
The proposed maintenance work to the C&D site was included in the Municipality’s 2020-21 Capital Budget. A total of 3 bids were received. Upon review of the bids, it is staff’s recommendation that the tender be awarded to Gary Belliveau Construction and Excavation Ltd. in the amount of $19,400 plus HST. Council made the following motion:
MOVED BY Councillor Carl Deveau and SECONDED BY Councillor Hector Thibault that the Municipality of the District of Clare award the tender for the maintenance work to the C&D site to Gary Belliveau Construction and Excavation Ltd. in the amount of $19,400 plus HST and that these funds be taken from the Municipality’s capital fund.
11.3 Motion to Set the 2020-2021 Low-Income Property Tax Exemption
The Municipality incorporates a low-income property tax rebate in its annual operating budget. The rebate included for 2020-21 is $300 (as per last year) for those households earning less than $19,000 per annum. Council passed the following motion:
MOVED BY Councillor Hector Thibault and SECONDED BY Deputy Warden Nil Doucet that the Municipality of the District of Clare set the 2020-2021 low-income property tax exemption amount at $300 for households earning less than $19,000 per annum.
11.4 Motion to Award Tender – Mowing of Municipal Grounds
A tender was issued for the mowing of the grounds at the Municipal office, the Cultural Hub, the Clare Veterans Centre, the Clare Health Centre, and the Meteghan Library. Three bids were received. After reviewing the bids, the CAO and staff are recommending the tender be awarded to the lowest bidder, M. McCauley Enterprise Ltd., in the amount of $3,400 plus HST per year for three years, for a total of $10,200 plus HST. Council passed the following motion:
MOVED BY Councillor Danny Hill and SECONDED BY Councillor Eric Pothier that the Municipality of the District of Clare award the tender for the mowing of municipal grounds to
M. McCauley Enterprise Ltd. in the amount of $3,400 plus HST per year over the next three years, for a total of $10,200 plus HST.
11.5 Motion to Name Road – Thunder Lake Road
The Municipality received a request to name a private road. The request respect’s the current road naming policy and the affected parcels along the road all belong to the same owner. Staff is recommending the proposed name. Council passed the following motion:
MOVED BY Councillor Carl Deveau and SECONDED BY Councillor Eric Pothier that the Municipality of the District of Clare name the road shared by the properties PID (Property Identification Number) 30253439 and 30252944 as follows:
In English: Thunder Lake Road
In French: chemin du Lac à Tonnerre
11.6 Motion to Transfer Funds from Capital Reserve to Gas Tax Fund – Beach Access Project
On August 8, 2019, the Municipality purchased a 5.5 acre parcel or land on Maxwellton Road as part of the Beach Access project. At the time, the purchase was positioned as a brownfield redevelopment which is eligible under the Gas Tax Fund. However, it was later agreed that the former owner would assume responsibility for the clean-up. In doing so, the municipal project changed from a brownfield redevelopment to a straight-forward land purchase. Land purchase are not eligible under Gas Tax. This issue came to light as the CAO and Director of Finance were finalizing the Municipality’s 2019 Annual Gas Tax Expenditure Report. Therefore, in an effort to comply with the terms and conditions for the Gas Tax Fund, the CAO is recommending an amount equal to the purchase price of the land be transferred from the Municipality’s Capital Reserve to its Gas Tax Reserve. Council agreed and passed the following motion:
MOVED BY Councillor Carl Deveau and SECONDED BY Councillor Danny Hill that the Municipality of the District of Clare transfer $110,000 from the Capital Reserve to the Gas Tax Fund, as part of the Beach Access Project.
12) In Camera Session
PROPOSED BY Deputy Warden Nil Doucet and SECONDED BY Councillor Danny Hill that Council proceed to an In-Camera Session.
Topics discussed:
12.1 Acquisition and Sale of Municipal Property – Ecoparc
12.2 Rural Internet
PROPOSED BY Deputy Warden Nil Doucet and SECONDED BY Councillor Yvon LeBlanc that Council proceed to the Regular Council Meeting.
13) Date and time of the next Regular Council Meeting
The next Regular Council Meeting will be held on June 17, 2020 at 7:00 pm.
14) Adjournment
MOVED BY Deputy Warden Nil Doucet to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 pm.
Submitted by:
Ashley Hanks
Executive Assistant