Municipality of the District of Clare
Wednesday, May 17, 2023, at 7:00 pm
Meeting held at 1185 Highway 1, Little Brook, NS

PRESENT: Council: Warden Yvon LeBlanc; Deputy Warden Eric Pothier; Councillors, Nil Doucet, Danny Hill, Philippe Gaudet, Carl Deveau, Brian Comeau, and Nadine Comeau
Staff: CAO Stéphane Cyr, Executive Assistant, Ashley Hanks

1) Call to Order
Warden Yvon LeBlanc called the Council meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

2)  Adoption of the Agenda

MOVED BY Councillor Carl Deveau and SECONDED BY Councillor Danny Hill that the proposed agenda be approved as presented.

3) Declaration of conflict of interest
None declared.

4) Presentations

5) Adoption of the Minutes from Previous Council Meetings
5.1 April 26, 2023 – Regular Council Meeting

MOVED BY Councillor Carl Deveau and SECONDED BY Councillor Nadine Comeau that the minutes of the April 26, 2023, Regular Council Meeting be accepted as presented.

5.2 May 3, 2023 – Council in Committee Meeting

MOVED BY Councillor Nadine Comeau and SECONDED BY Deputy Warden Eric Pothier that the minutes of the May 3, 2023, Council in Committee Meeting be accepted as presented.

6) Business Arising from Previous Meetings

7) Warden’s Activity Report – Warden Yvon LeBlanc

May 4 – Attended the NSFM meetings in Digby.

May 5 – Participated in a tour of the new Villa acadienne.

May 5 – Attended a meeting with the Club de pétanque - Boule acadienne - to learn more about the game and discuss the possibility of extending their season.

May 11 – Met with DNRR staff and our volunteer firefighters in Hassett to assess the site conditions and receive an update on the forest fire.

8) Official Statements from Members of Council
Councillor Danny Hill would like to thank the volunteer fire departments, EMO, and DNRR for all their hard work fighting the fire in Hassett, as well as the volunteers that provided food and drink for those fighting the fires. Their efforts are greatly appreciated and will not be forgotten.

Councillor Nil Doucet would like to wish Blanche Forrest a happy 90th birthday which will be celebrated on May 20, 2023. Council will send her a certificate.

Councillor Brian Comeau would like to congratulate Germaine and Alain Maillet on their 50th wedding anniversary which will be celebrated on May 19, 2023. Council will send them a certificate.

9) Correspondence

10) CAO Report – Chief Administrative Officer – Stéphane Cyr
The CAO presented his report for the month of May. (pdfSee attached)

11) Committee Reports
11.1 Building Permits Report – Councillor Danny Hill
Councillor Danny Hill read the building permits report for the month of April. 

April 2023



Construction Value

Year to Date



$ 1,946,060

$ 4,412,640



$ 1,634,020

$ 9,867,010

11.2 Waste Check – Councillor Carl Deveau

Waste Check held its AGM on May 9, 2023. Here, Tracy Raymond was recognized for her 15 years of service with Waste Check.

Following the AGM, Waste Check held its regular meeting. Among the topics discussed:

  • The litter programs being delivered throughout the region are going well.
  • Divert NS now has a French sponsorship for students applying to post secondary education.
  • There are significant changes on the horizon for the collection of construction and demolition materials. More information is available in the provincial regulations entitled Waste Management Facility Guidelines for C& D Debris Storage.

As per usual, Waste Check would like to remind people that black bags are slowly being phased out. As such, residents are asked to use both clear and/or blue bags.

11.3 Police Advisory – Councillor Brian Comeau
The police advisory report will be deferred to a future meeting.

12)  New Business
12.1 Motion to Approve 2023-2024 Capital Budget
The CAO presented the Municipality’s proposed capital budget for fiscal 2023-2024.

The proposed budget includes a total of $13,155,390 in project investments for the fiscal year. Specific investments include the Clare Health Centre expansion, the re-development of the Clare Veterans Centre, Park Joseph and Marie Dugas, and Wentworth Park, as well as continued investments in wastewater infrastructure, the Transfer Station, and the Cultural Hub.

Council agreed with the draft budget as presented and made the following motion:

MOVED BY Councillor Carl Deveau and SECONDED BY Councillor Nadine Comeau that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare approve the 2023-2024 Capital Budget for the Municipality of the District of Clare as presented.

12.2 Motion to Approve 2023-2024 Volunteer Fire Department Capital Funding Expenditures
The CAO presented the proposed 2023-2024 capital funding allocations for each of the seven fire departments within the Municipality (pdfsee attached). The total amount available this year, as generated by the uniform $0.05 area rate, is $190,916. Council agreed with the proposed distribution of funds and made the following motion:

MOVED BY Deputy Warden Eric Pothier and SECONDED BY Councillor Danny Hill that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare approve the 2023-2024 volunteer fire department capital funding expenditures as presented.

12.3 Motion to Approve Donation – Digby and Area Health Service Charitable Foundation
Council has previously supported the Foundation and, given the number of people from Clare who use the Digby Hospital, chose to do so once again this year. As such, the following motion was made:

MOVED BY Councillor Danny Hill and SECONDED BY Councillor Nil Doucet that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare donate $1,000 to the Digby and Area Health Service Charitable Foundation in support of their fundraising efforts.

12.4 Motion to Accept Proposal – Audio-Visual Equipment for Council Chambers
The Municipality’s audio-visual equipment is not functioning. As such, Council is unable to televise its meetings. To remedy, the situation, the CAO and staff explored three options: 1) Fix the broken component, 2) Replace some of the system, or 3) Replace the entire system. Given that the system is seven years old (the typical life expectancy for one of these systems), and that several of the components have broken over the last few years and continue to break, the CAO is recommending the entire system be replaced. In speaking with various suppliers, two bids were received. Following a review of these bids, it is the recommendation of the CAO and staff that Council accept the bid from IVANS AV in the amount of $95,261 plus HST. Council agreed and made the following motion:

MOVED BY Councillor Carl Deveau and SECONDED BY Councillor Danny Hill that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare accept the proposal from IVANS AV for the audio-visual equipment in the Council chambers in the amount of $95,261 plus HST and that these funds be taken from the Municipality’s Capital Reserve.

12.5 Joint Council Meeting – Municipality of Argyle
The Municipalities of both Clare and Argyle would like to have a joint meeting to discuss the CMA 2024. The CAO will speak to his counterpart in Argyle regarding prospective dates.

12.6 Motion to Award Tender – Gutters and Downspouts, Municipal Office
The gutters and downspouts at the municipal office need replacement. The Municipality issued and invitational tender for this work. Two bids were received. Following a review of the bids, it is the recommendation of the CAO that Council accept the bid from Clare Seamless Gutters in the amount of $6,988 (including the non-rebated portion of the HST), and that these funds be taken from the Municipality’s Capital Reserve. Council agreed and passed the following motion:

MOVED BY Councillor Carl Deveau and SECONDED BY Councillor Nil Doucet that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare accept the bid from Clare Seamless Gutters to replace the gutters and downspouts at the municipal office, in the amount of $6,988 (including the non-rebated portion of the HST), and that these funds be taken from the Municipality’s Capital Reserve.

12.7 Motion to Purchase Groundskeeping Equipment

MOVED BY Councillor Danny Hill and SECONDED BY Councillor Nadine Comeau that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare purchase the following items for the maintenance of municipal grounds, for a total of $18,146 (including the non-rebated portion of the HST), and that these funds be taken from the Municipality’s Capital Reserve:

  • Husquavarna Zero Turn Mower – Leonard C. Comeau General Store Ltd. - $8,030
  • Honda Push Mower – Leonard C. Comeau General Store Ltd. - $1,305
  • Utility Trailer (6’ x 10’) – Marks RV and Auto Repair Ltd. - $5,161
  • Five Composite Garbage Bins – JD Composites Inc. - $3,650


12.8 Motion to Rescind Motion from November 16, 2022 – Increase Municipal Funding for Track and Field Facility
On November 16, 2022, council made a motion to increase the municipal contribution to the Track and Field Facility Project from $685,000 to a maximum of $985,000, to allow for the purchase and installation of lighting for the field. At the time, funds were to be taken from the Capital Reserve. While crafting the Capital Budget for 2023-2024, it was recommended by the CAO that funding for this lighting be taken from the Canada Community-Building Fund Reserve. To do so, a motion is needed to rescind the motion from November 16, 2022, and a new motion must be made. Council agreed and passed the following motions:

MOVED BY Deputy Warden Eric Pothier and SECONDED BY Councillor Nadine Comeau that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare rescind the following motion from November 16, 2022:

PROPOSED BY Councillor Carl Deveau and SECONDED BY Councillor Nil Doucet that Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare increase the municipal contribution to the Track and Field Facility Project from $685,000 to a maximum of $985,000, to allow for the purchase and installation of lighting for the field, and that these funds be taken from the Municipality’s Capital Reserve.

12.9 Motion to Increase Municipal Funding – Track and Field Facility

MOVED BY Councillor Nil Doucet and SECONDED BY Councillor Carl Deveau that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare increase the municipal contribution to the Track and Field Facility Project from $685,000 to a maximum of $985,000, to allow for the purchase and installation of lighting for the field, and that these funds be taken from the Municipality’s Canada Community-Building Fund Reserve.

12.10 Motion to Purchase Cargo Trailer

MOVED BY Councillor Danny Hill and SECONDED BY Councillor Nil Doucet that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare purchase the following items for a total of $28,575 (including the non-rebated portion of the HST), and that these funds be taken from the Municipality’s Capital Reserve:

  • A 16' Cargo Trailer – Marks RV and Auto Repair Ltd. - $22,527
  • A Vinyl Wrap for the Cargo Trailer – Digby Signs Inc. - $6,048


12.11 Motion to Send a Letter to MLA Ronnie LeBlanc – RCMP / DNR Resources
This year’s Canoe Trip saw a large influx of ATV’s following the route. Unfortunately, this resulted in significant property damage. The RCMP is aware of this issue and are in discussions with DNRR as to how to best address the issue.

In a previous discussion with Council, both Mary Guptill and Kevin Lombard suggested that more enforcement from both the RCMP and DNRR, coupled with greater awareness and/or education on responsible ATV use would be helpful. Council agreed and made the following motion:

MOVED BY Councillor Carl Deveau and SECONDED BY Councillor Nadine Comeau that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare send a letter to MLA Ronnie LeBlanc requesting more resources from the RCMP and the NS Department of Natural Resources and Renewables during the annual canoe trip on Easter Weekend.

13) Closed Session

PROPOSED BY Councillor Nil Doucet and SECONDED BY Councillor Nadine Comeau that Council proceed to an In-Camera Session.

Topics Discussed:
13.1 Contract Negotiations

PROPOSED BY Councillor Nil Doucet and SECONDED BY Councillor Nadine Comeau that Council proceed to the Regular Council Meeting.

14) Date and time of the next Regular Council Meeting
The next Regular Council Meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 21, 2023, at 7:00 pm.

15) Adjournment
MOVED BY Councillor Nil Doucet to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 pm.

Submitted by:
Ashley Hanks
Executive Assistant