Municipality of the District of Clare
Wednesday, March 20, 2024, at 7:00 pm
Meeting held at 1185 Highway 1, Little Brook, NS
Council: Warden Yvon LeBlanc, Deputy Warden Eric Pothier; Councillors Nil Doucet, Danny Hill, Philippe Gaudet, Carl Deveau, Brian Comeau, and Nadine Comeau
Staff: CAO Stéphane Cyr, Executive Assistant, Aimélie Comeau, Communications Officer, Anique Dugas, Director of Finance, Ginette Cheff, Accounting Clerk, Josette Doucet, and Tax Clerk, Robyn Fuller
Presenters: Paul Beazley – Municipal Account Manager, Property Valuation Services Corporation; Rod Tremblay – Director of Operations, Property Valuation Services Corporation
1) Call to Order
Warden Yvon LeBlanc called the Council meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
2) Adoption of the Agenda
MOVED BY Councillor Danny Hill and SECONDED BY Councillor Carl Deveau that the proposed agenda be approved as circulated.
3) Declaration of Conflict of Interest
None declared.
4) Presentations
4.1 Property Valuation Services Corporation (PVSC) – Paul Beazley, Municipal Account Manager and Rod Tremblay, Director of Operations
Mr. Beazley and Mr. Tremblay provided an overview of the services offered and methodologies employed by PVSC. (See attached)
Councillor Brian Comeau asked whether the Municipality’s market value is assessed as a whole or rather as individual areas and neighbourhoods within the Municipality. Mr. Tremblay confirmed that different market areas are identified within the Municipality. These areas / markets are based on how properties are selling as well as the density of the area in question. For example, assessments in an urban or more built-up area would typically involve a more constrained market whereas more rural regions tend to look at larger catchment areas.
Councillor Comeau also inquired about capped assessments. Mr. Beazley confirmed that the cap was initially created to protect homeowners from assessment increases. All caps are different and have different terms. Each cap is based on both the assessed value and the length of time the homeowner has owned the property.
Councillor Carl Deveau asked whether new property owners can be capped. Mr. Tremblay confirmed that new property owners are eligible for the cap. If vacant land is purchased, the cap is later adjusted if any physical changes are made to the property. When buying a new home, the cap will automatically reset. With time, newly purchased homes will be assessed and then given a new cap. However, in instances where properties are transferred or sold to immediate family members, the cap remains unchanged and is simply passed along.
The Warden inquired about the appeals process and whether reassessing a property affects the existing cap. According to Mr. Tremblay, when a property is appealed and reassessed at a lower value, the cap remains the same. The cap will only be reduced if it was accidentally miscalculated in the first place.
5) Adoption of the Minutes from Previous Council Meetings
5.1 February 21, 2024 – Regular Council Meeting
MOVED BY Councillor Carl Deveau and SECONDED BY Councillor Nadine Comeau that the minutes of the February 21, 2024, Regular Council Meeting be accepted as presented.
5.2 March 6, 2024 – Council-In-Committee Meeting
MOVED BY Councillor Danny Hill and SECONDED BY Councillor Philippe Gaudet that the minutes of the March 6, 2024, Council in Committee Meeting be accepted as presented.
6) Business Arising from Previous Meetings
7) Warden’s Activity Report – Warden Yvon LeBlanc
February 26 – Attended the opening of the Centre Acadien at l’Université Sainte-Anne.
February 27 – Attended the regular meeting of the Villa Acadienne.
February 28 – Attended a meeting with members of Council, the CAO, and Sergeant Jeff LeBlanc of the RCMP to discuss recent incidents in our community, ongoing investigations, and the possibility of additional resources.
March 13 – Attended the regular meeting of the Western REN Liaison and Oversight Committee. At this meeting, Mr. Guy Surette was elected President and Mr. Gil Dares Vice-President.
March 15 - Attended a board of directors meeting of the CDÉNÉ.
March 16 – Attended a meeting with members of Council, the CAO, and Grey Cardinal Management Inc. to discuss the redesign and reconstruction of the Clare Veterans Centre.
March 16 – Attended the meeting of the Volunteer of the Year Selection Committee.
8) Official Statements from Members of Council
9) Correspondence
9.1 Doug Wentzell – Regional Director General, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
The CAO read a letter from Doug Wentzell, Regional Director General of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada. (See attached)
10) CAO Report – Chief Administrative Officer – Stéphane Cyr
The CAO presented his report for the month of March. (See attached)
11) Committee Reports
11.1 Building Permits Report – Councillor Danny Hill
Councillor Danny Hill read the building permits report for the month of February.
February 2024
Year |
Permits |
Construction Value |
Year to Date |
2023 |
18 |
$ 634,000 |
$ 1,193,440 |
2024 |
14 |
$ 255,260 |
$ 588,460 |
11.2 Waste Check – Councillor Carl Deveau
Waste Check would once again like to remind the public that as of April 1st, 2024, black garbage bags will no longer be accepted by the Municipality’s garbage collection services or transfer station.
11.3 Police Advisory Board – Councillor Brian Comeau
The Police Advisory Board met on March 4, 2024, with Sergeant Jeff LeBlanc and Corporal Vincent Lacroix.
Regarding recent incidents of vandalism and theft, investigations are ongoing. Arrests have been made. Cases are evolving as the RCMP continues to pursue other leads.
The investigation into the drive-by shooting is ongoing. Additional resources have been requested and are present in the community. These resources are funded by the RCMP, at no cost to the Municipality. Warrants have been issued to seize evidence and gather devices. Some evidence has been sent to the forensic lab. Recent incidents of arson, threats, and shootings are all believed to be tied to the lobster fishery. More members at the local detachment won’t necessarily prevent these incidents from incurring but may improve response times.
The investigation into the home invasion in Concession is also ongoing. It has not stalled or gone cold. The Meteghan detachment has reached out to the Major Crimes Unit and has been advised that the forensic lab results have mostly all been returned. There is no risk of the investigation being closed as charges have not yet been laid. Once charges have been laid, there is a maximum 18-month period for the case to be heard by a judge. Once charges have been laid, the 18-month period begins.
DFO has confirmed closure of the elver fishery. This closure will grant DFO officers additional enforcement powers. Although not a police issue, RCMP will likely see a province-wide influx of calls for service. According to Sergeant LeBlanc, we do have trouble areas in Clare.
Sergeant LeBlanc presented a report summarizing incident statistics from December 1, 2023, to March 1, 2024. A total of 382 calls for service were received during this period, including:
- Arson – Damage to Property – 11
- Break and Enter (Business) – 5
- Dangerous Driving - 4 (3 have been charged thus far)
- Failure to Stop after Accident, causing Bodily Harm – 1
- Intimidation of Justice System Participant – 1
- Mental Health Act – 13 (this remains and issue)
- Operation of a Motor Vehicle while Impaired 5 (4 have been charged thus far)
- Uttering Threats Against a Person – 10
12) New Business
12.1 Motion to Award Tender – Meteghan Sidewalks Accessibility Improvements and Extension Project
The Municipality received 2 bids in response to its tender for accessibility improvements to the Meteghan sidewalk, including a 1.0 km extension of said sidewalk. Following a review of the bids by both the CAO and Able Engineering Services Inc., it is recommended that the tender be awarded to Garian Construction Ltd. in the amount of $2,674,990 plus HST. Council agreed and made the following motion:
MOVED BY Councillor Nadine Comeau and SECONDED BY Councillor Eric Pothier that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare award the tender for the Meteghan Sidewalk Accessibility Improvements and Extension Project to Garian Construction Ltd., in the amount of $2,674,990 plus HST, and that these funds be taken from the Municipality’s Capital Reserve.
12.2 Motion to Accept Proposal – Construction Management Services, Clare Veterans Centre
The Municipality received 2 proposals in response to its Request for Proposals (RFP) for Construction Management Services at the Clare Veterans Centre. Following a review of both proposals by the CAO and Grey Cardinal Management Inc., it is recommended Council accept the proposal from Bird Construction. Council agreed and made the following motion:
MOVED BY Councillor Danny Hill and SECONDED BY Councillor Philippe Gaudet that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare accept the proposal from Bird Construction for construction management services at the Clare Veterans Centre, based on the following fee schedule, and that these funds be taken from the Municipality’s Capital Reserve.
- Pre-Construction - $21,725 / month
- Construction - $52,000 / month
- Warranty - $60,000 lump sum
12.3 Motion to Accept Proposal – Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment, 15 Cottreau Road, Little Brook
The Municipality’s parcel of land located at 15 Cottreau Road in Little Brook has been earmarked for housing development. To prepare the site for said development, a Phase 1 Environmental Assessment of the property is required. To this end, the Municipality launched a Request for Proposals which closed on Friday, March 1, 2024, at 3:00 pm. A total of 5 proposals were received. Following a review of these proposals, it is the recommendation of the CAO that Council accept the proposal from All-Tech Environmental Services Ltd. in the amount of $2,800 + HST. Council agreed and made the following motion:
MOVED BY Councillor Philippe Gaudet and SECONDED BY Councillor Carl Deveau that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare accept the proposal from All-Tech Environmental Services Ltd. for the completion of a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment at 15 Cottreau Road, Little Brook, NS (PID No. 30033575) in the amount of $2,800 plus HST.
12.4 Motion to Approve Community Flagpole Request – Accessibility Advisory Committee
The Accessibility Advisory Committee has submitted a request to fly the accessibility flag on the Municipality’s community flagpole, in recognition of National AccessAbility Week, from May 27 up to and including May 31, 2024. This request complies with the terms and conditions set forth in the Municipality’s Flag Flying Policy. Council agreed and made the following motion:
MOVED BY Councillor Nadine Comeau and SECONDED BY Councillor Carl Deveau that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare approve the Accessibility Advisory Committee’s request to fly the accessibility flag on the Municipality’s community flagpole, in recognition of National AccessAbility Week, from May 27, up to and including May 31, 2024.
12.5 Motion to Designate Municipal Heritage Property – Former St. Bernard Church
The CAO received a letter from the Société Héritage Saint-Bernard requesting that the former
St-Bernard Church be recognized as a municipal heritage property, citing the building’s exterior features - granite stone and gothic style – as the rationale for this request. The site has long been viewed as a symbol of Acadian culture and community resilience. As such, the CAO is recommending Council action the request from Société Héritage Saint-Bernard and designate the former St. Bernard Church a municipal heritage property. Council agreed and made the following motion:
MOVED BY Councillor Nil Doucet and SECONDED BY Councillor Danny Hill that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare designate the former Saint-Bernard Church as a municipal heritage property.
12.6 Motion to Transfer Funds from the Operating Fund to the Capital Reserve – Scada Upgrades, Belliveau Cove Wastewater Treatment Plant
The CAO and Director of Finance requested Council authorization to transfer $14,040 from the Municipality’s Operating Fund to its Capital Reserve to properly capitalize recent Scada upgrades to the Municipality’s Wastewater Treatment Plant in Belliveau Cove. Council agreed and made the following motion:
MOVED BY Councillor Nil Doucet and SECONDED BY Deputy Warden Eric Pothier that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare authorize the transfer of $14,040 from the Municipality’s Operating Fund to its Capital Reserve, to properly capitalize recent Scada upgrades to the Municipality’s Wastewater Treatment Plant in Belliveau Cove.
13) Closed Session
14) Date and Time of the next Regular Council Meeting
The next Regular Council Meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 17, 2024, at 7:00 pm.
15) Adjournment
MOVED BY Councillor Nil Doucet to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 pm.
Submitted by:
Aimélie Comeau
Executive Assistant