Municipality of the District of Clare
Wednesday, March 18, 2020 at 7:00 pm
PRESENT: Council: Warden Ronnie LeBlanc; Deputy Warden Nil Doucet; Councillors, Hector Thibault, Carl Deveau, Danny Hill, Brian Comeau, Eric Pothier and Yvon LeBlanc
Staff: CAO Stéphane Cyr
1) Call to Order
Warden Ronnie LeBlanc called the Council meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
2) (a) Approval of the Agenda
Warden Ronnie LeBlanc asked if there were any items to be added to the agenda.
- 12.2 – Rural Internet
MOVED BY Councillor Danny Hill and SECONDED BY Councillor Brian Comeau that the proposed agenda be approved with the above noted addition.
(b) Declaration of conflict of interest
None declared.
3) Presentations
4)Adoption of the Minutes from Previous Council Meetings
4.1 February 19, 2020 – Regular Council Meeting
MOVED BY Councillor Danny Hill and SECONDED BY Councillor Carl Deveau that the minutes of February 19, 2020 be accepted as circulated.
4.2 March 4, 2020 – Council-In-Committee Meeting
MOVED BY Councillor Brian Comeau and SECONDED BY Councillor Danny Hill that the minutes of March 4, 2020 be accepted as circulated.
5) Business Arising from Previous Meetings
5.1 Dangerous and Unsightly
Councillor Brian Comeau raised concerns over a property in Saunlierville which he felt should be considered under the Municipality’s Dangerous and Unsightly Premises By-law. Staff is aware of the property in question and has already been on site to assess its condition. Although not yet confirmed, it is believed that the property is in the process of being sold and will ultimately be demolished to clear the way for new construction. Staff will continue to monitor the situation and should this not be the case, a letter will be sent to the current owner outlining the Municipality’s directive to remedy the current situation.
5.2 Atlantic Canada BBQ Championships
MOVED BY Councillor Eric Pothier and SECONDED BY Councillor Carl Deveau that the Municipality of the District of Clare award a grant in the amount of $5,000 to the Atlantic BBQ Championship Society to purchase equipment needed to host the event and comply with food health and safety regulations.
6) Warden’s Activity Report – Warden Ronnie LeBlanc
The Warden provided a summary of the meetings and events the he attended since the last Council meeting.
7) Official Statements from Members of Council
8) Correspondence
8.1 Paulette Sweeney-Goodwin – Managing Director, Yarmouth Hospital Foundation
The CAO read a letter Paulette Sweeney-Goodwin, Managing Director of the Yarmouth Hospital Foundation. (See attached)
8.2 The Honourable Mark Furey – Minister of Justice
The CAO read a letter from the Honourable Mark Furey, Minister of Justice. (See attached)
8.3 Shirley Vigneault – Executive Director, Équipe d’alphabétisation Nouvelle-Écosse
The CAO read a letter from Shirley Vigneault, Executive Director of the Équipe d’alphabétisation Nouvelle-Écosse. (See attached)
8.4 Marcel Weaver – Le Petit Bois 2020
The CAO read a letter from Marcel Weaver. (See attached)
9) CAO Report – Chief Administrative Officer - Stéphane Cyr
The CAO presented his report for the month of March 2020. (See attached)
10) Committee Reports
10.1 Building Permits Report – Councillor Danny Hill
Councillor Danny Hill read the building permit report for the month of February.
February 2020
Year Permits Construction Value Year to Date
2019 3 $ 34,000 $ 894,000
2020 6 $ 261,520 $ 583,880
11) New Business
11.1 Motion to Create a Reserve Account – Prospective Capital Projects at Université Sainte-Anne
MOVED BY Councillor Danny Hill and SECONDED BY Councillor Hector Thibault that the Municipality of the District of Clare create a reserve account for prospective capital projects at Université Sainte-Anne and that $50,000 be transferred to the reserve, which represents $25,000 from each of the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 fiscal years.
11.2 Motion to Participate in the Asset Management Cohort Program
MOVED BY Councillor Carl Deveau and SECONDED BY Councillor Eric Pothier that the Municipality of the District of Clare participate in the Asset Management Cohort Program, as offered by the Atlantic Infrastructure Management Network, and that the $7,500 registration fee be taken from the Municipality’s Gas Tax Reserve.
11.3 Motion to Write a Letter to the Honourable Zach Churchill – Defibrillators
MOVED BY Councillor Danny Hill and SECONDED BY Councillor Yvon LeBlanc that the Municipality of the District of Clare write a letter to the Honourable Zach Churchill, Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development, asking that programs be made available in schools to teach students how to properly use defibrillators.
11.4 Motion to Increase Funding Contribution – Upland Tourism Public Spaces Development and Improvement Project
MOVED BY Councillor Eric Pothier and SECONDED BY Councillor Danny Hill that the Municipality of the District of Clare increase its original contribution to Upland as part of the Tourism Public Spaces Development and Improvement Project, from $25,000 up to a maximum of $38,000, to allow for the addition of the Clare Veterans Centre and Wentworth Park.
11.5 Motion to Award an Annual Sponsorship – Clare Curling Association
MOVED BY Councillor Eric Pothier and SECONDED BY Councillor Hector Thibault that the Municipality of the District of Clare award an annual sponsorship of $500 for the next five years in support of the Clare Curling Association’s Summerspiel.
11.6 Motion to Approve Municipal Flagpole Request – Societé acadienne de Clare
MOVED BY Councillor Carl Deveau and SECONDED BY Councillor Brian Comeau that the Municipality of the District of Clare approve the Societé acadienne de Clare’s request to fly the pride flag on the Municipality’s community flagpole, in recognition of Pride Week, from June 8, up to and including June 13, 2020.
11.7 Motion to Send a Letter – Nova Scotia Civic Address File (NSCAF) – Belliveau Cove
MOVED BY Councillor Danny Hill and SECONDED BY Deputy Warden Nil Doucet that the Municipality of the District of Clare send a letter to the Nova Scotia Civic Address File (NSCAF) advising it of the proper spelling of “Belliveau Cove” and requesting that it update its records accordingly.
11.8 Resolution for the Villa acadienne
1. Villa Acadienne was incorporated by the Municipality pursuant to the Municipal Housing Corporations Act, RSNS 1989, c 304 (the "MHCA Organization");
2. Villa Acadienne is also an incorporated society pursuant to the Societies Act, RSNS 1989, c 435 (the "Villa"), which operates a Home for Special Care pursuant to the Homes for Special Care Act, RSNS 1989, c 203, and its regulations;
3. The MHCA Organization has not been operating the Home for Special Care since the Villa was incorporated and in order to reduce confusion regarding which organization operates the Villa;
MOVED BY Councillor Brian Comeau and SECONDED BY Deputy Warden Nil Doucet that the Municipality of the District of Clare does the following:
1. It approves the wind-up of the MHCA Organization;
2. It approves the transfer by the MHCA Organization of all of its existing assets and liabilities, if any, to the Villa, at such date and time as to be determined (the "Transfer");
3. The Chief Administrative Officer of the Municipality is hereby authorized and directed to do, execute, and deliver such things or documents as may be necessary in order to carry out such Transfer.
11.9 Motion to Send a Letter – Nova Scotia Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal – Hilltown Cross Road
MOVED BY Councillor Danny Hill and SECONDED BY Deputy Warden Nil Doucet that the Municipality of the District of Clare send a letter to the Nova Scotia Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal asking them to complete a study of a section of the Hilltown Cross Road, between civic numbers 233 and 295, due to road safety concerns stemming from the lack of guardrails.
11.10 Motion to Purchase Land – PID 30376370
MOVED BY Councillor Danny Hill and SECONDED BY Councillor Carl Deveau that the Municipality of the District of Clare purchase a parcel of land (PID 30376370) from the Richfield Community Church for the price $1, for use as a community park and in recognition of the former Richfield Schoolhouse.
11.11 Motion to Approve Proposed Polling Station Locations – 2020 Municipal and School Board Elections
MOVED BY Councillor Danny Hill and SECONDED BY Councillor Eric Pothier that the Municipality of the District of Clare approve the proposed polling station locations for the upcoming 2020 Municipal and School Board Elections.
11.12 Motion to Approve Application under By-Law 34 – Chemin Point Road Administration Association
MOVED BY Deputy Warden Nil Doucet and SECONDED BY Councillor Hector Thibault that the Municipality of the District of Clare approve the Chemin Point Road Administration Association’s application under By-law #34, a by-law respecting private road maintenance charges.
11.13 Proposed Sidewalk Extension – Saulnierville
Council Brian Comeau was approached by residents inquiring as to the possibility of connecting the sidewalk in Saulnierville with the sidewalk on Placide Comeau Road. This represents a 0.8 km extension to the current sidewalk.
Although no such extension is planned at the moment, Council agreed to discuss this request as part of the annual review of its 5-year Capital Plan
11.14 Tax Write-Off – Southwest Eco Energy Ltd.
MOVED BY Councillor Brian Comeau and SECONDED BY Councillor Danny Hill that the Municipality of the District of Clare write off the following noted tax amount for the reasons described herein:
Account Amount Year(s) Reason
01874616 $ 70,097.24 2014-2019 Property sold at tax sale, write off outstanding balance
12) In-Camera Session
PROPOSED BY Deputy Warden Nil Doucet and SECONDED BY Councillor Yvon LeBlanc that Council proceed to an In-Camera Session.
Topics discussed:
12.1 Acquisition and Sale of Municipal Property
12.2 Rural Internet
PROPOSED BY Deputy Warden Nil Doucet and SECONDED BY Councillor Yvon LeBlanc that Council proceed to the Regular Council Meeting.
MOVED BY Councillor Danny Hill and SECONDED BY Deputy Warden Nil Doucet that the Municipality of the District of Clare write a letter to Mainland Telecom Inc. in support of the company’s application to the CRTC Broadband Fund.
MOVED BY Councillor Carl Deveau and SECONDED BY Councillor Danny Hill that the Municipality of the District of Clare write a letter of consent to Mainland Telecom Inc. authorizing the inclusion of the contribution agreement signed by both parties and dated February 7, 2020, as part of the company’s application to the CRTC Broadband Fund.
13) Date and time of the next Regular Council Meeting
The next Regular Council Meeting will be held on April 15, 2020 at 7:00 pm.
14) Adjournment
MOVED BY Deputy Warden Nil Doucet to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 pm.
Submitted by:
Stéphane Cyr